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NOBILDENT Prime DXL Artificial Denture Teeth

NOBILDENT Prime DXL™ is one type of artificial denture teeth that are intended for all face shapes around the world, and it has exceptional physical properties. Its natural morphology, outstanding material quality, ease of operation, and reasonable price make it a great asset for global customers.

Contact VinciSmile

Features of NOBILDENT Prime DXL Artificial Denture Teeth

  • Double Cross Linked material with high molecular weight

  • Improved wear resistance

  • Excellent shade stability

  • Minimum water absorption

  • Extremely low affinity to plaque

  • Outstanding solvent resistance

  • Anti-cracking

  • None wax teeth card, easy to use

  • Order in cabinet: save managing cost, easy to use

  • Three-layer effect for highly esthetic removable prosthetics

NOBILDENT Prime DXL Artificial Denture Teeth PDF

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US Customer Service Manager:

Contact: Gabriella


Phone: 1-626-283-5808

Online Inquiries or Sales Questions:
US Inside Sales Manager:
Contact: Adrian
Phone: 1-626-702-8058


Whenever and whatever you need, we would like to provide the best solution for you.
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Address:4010 Valley Blvd, Ste 104, Walnut, CA 91789, USA